Monday 20 February 2012

Who gives a Tossco ?

I came across the boycottworkfare campaign website over the weekend. It makes interesting reading, especially the way Tesco seem to be reacting to the unforseen publicity.
After it was revealed that Tesco had placed a job ad with JC+ for a 'volunteer to work 40 hours a week' and that Tesco had so far had 2,000 Workfare participants through their books, of which just 300 had been offered a job, Tesco's reaction was to lobby Govt. to stop the benefits of those who leave Workfare before they complete a week.

Tesco have completely failed to understand the public reaction to the breaking news and the potential loss of profits as shoppers move to retailers who use the Workfare scheme as it should be, basically only taking-on as many Workfare participants as there are vacancies.

Tesco also fail to understand the demoralising effect replacing permanent staff with free-to-employ Workfarers has on the remaining staff. Many permanent staff members are more than willing to jump-ship to better paid employment elsewhere rather than commit themselves to a long-term career with a major High Street brand. After all, why should they show any loyalty when their employer would rather replace them with free labour, than pay them a living wage.
By abusing the scheme, Tesco are doing themselves more harm than good.
They are by no means the only big name to be caught abusing the scheme, with ASDA, McDonalds, Poundland, Burger King and many more all dispensing with a number of permanent staff and replacing them with the cost-free alternative.

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