Monday, 19 November 2012

And the repairs keep coming....

We now have 3  faulty laptops in the house. My old Asus A6000 that I gave to my oh when my son gave me his Samsung R20 has a duff 'w'. It sticks-on even without anyone touching the keypad. This is annoying as my oh uses it for her craft work and is in no way technically minded.
The R20 has developed an 'issue' with the power socket in that you now have to align the power plug with the socket and hope it doesn't move or the laptop dies. I'm no solderer so will have to strip this down once I have the part and get engineering support to do the repair. 

Add to this an old HP that needs a new trackpad and that is a lot of expense heading my way. Add to this the fact that, thanks to my son being careless, the sound on my ancient tower system no only works in mono (and my PC speakers don't work at all) and the waiting-to-be-fixed Dyson DC16 and as you can see, the repairs pile is growing fast.

On the plus side, I am looking to lose a bit of weight and managed to pick up an exercise program complete with a webcam for the Wii for  just £5.  Now all I need are the right batteries for the controller. Bought a pack of 4 AA batteries, but when I went to fit them, found out I actually needed AAA's. Not to worry. My camera needs a fresh set of batteries so they won't be wasted.

My Hubpages postings are beginning to attract a few people which is good. Just have to upload a photo for one review I've created and that will be another job done. 

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