It really does amaze me how some organisations get away with blatant discrimination.
If I ran a business and decided that women could not rise above the rank of 'Cell Leader', I would soon find myself in Court for breach of the 'Sex Discrimination Act'. However, if I called my business a 'Church', I could quite happily get away with breaching any anti-discriminatory legislation I so wished.
The Church of England voted to not allow women to become Bishops last night. If they were an everyday business, then they would be up before the Judge, but as they are a religious sect, they are immune from the regulations. Is this right ?. Should they be forced to accept women in ANY role that is open to a man ?. Yes, of course they should.
Yesterday's decision just goes to show how out of touch the Church of England is with today's society. Whilst other Churches thrive and grow, the main Church of our country shrinks and dies. In my locality, my parish Church will be sharing 2 Vicars with 4 other Churches due to the lack of capitol with which to pay for more. The vicar will be preaching to the usual 10 people. Meanwhile, just along the road, the Methodist Chapel is always 50% full whilst the Evangelical & Kingsland Churches are packed to the rafters.
People of today want a lively sermon with uplifting music delivered with enthusiasm and meaning. Not the dreary durge delivered by a man in a frock along with hymns that seem to be played about 30% slower than they should.
Maybe this is God's cumupance for failure to adhere to his Commandments. Does one not say @Thou shalt not worship false images' ?. So what do we do ?, thats right, we adorn the Church with Jesus on a Cross. Is this not a false image ?.
I will leave you to decide.
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