Sunday, 28 October 2012

North Essex NHS out of hours going down-hill fast

Had a call from a family member last night at 19:15 asking if I would take them to the out of hours Doctor at Clacton Hospital for a 23:10 appointment. No problem with that, except we live in Colchester which has a 'walk in centre' which houses the out of hours Doctor service for the town.
When I enquired as to why they did not get an appointment at Colchester, they told me that Colchester had none left and there are only appointments left in Clacton (the sister site). I asked 'what about just using the walk-in centre ?' but was informed that they had shut their doors to new admissions at 18:30 due to an excess of patients.

Harmoni, who run the service, are running to such a tight budget that they only have 1 Dr on at each site. Now when you consider that they cover a population of 250,000 people then that is in my opinion vastly under-staffed.
The idea of having a walk in centre was to take the weight off of the A & E dept. at the general hospital. This appears to not be happening as it should.

When the whole service was run by the NHS there was never a problem as they simply called on bank staff to come in and provide extra cover. However, since the out of hours Dr. side was contracted-out to the private sector, this is becoming a regular occurrence. Add-in the fact that the NHS can only run their service up until 22:00, then you end-up with a lot of people cramming-out the A & E which in turn, puts added pressure on the Hospital.

I can now see Dodgy Dave's mater plan for reducing the NHS deficit. Reduce spending on the NHS, people will not get access to treatment and might die, thus reducing the number of potential patients.

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