Saturday 3 March 2012

Making the most of the day.

Got round to starting the first round of veg planting on my small (2ft x 10ft) plot. First batch of 6 parsnips and 5 spring onions now out.. Divided raspberry plant as it had escaped through the bottom of the tub. I now have 4 tubs with at least 10 plants in. Not bad for an initial outlay of £2 2 years ago at Poundland.

Still tantalizingly close to a big pay-out from surveys. Did a 75-pointer from Mutualpoints last night. This will take me over the 3,000 points needed to claim my payment but this won't show-up until the end of the month.
Did 1 more 85p survey through Vivatic so am on £24.40. Just need one more survey for my first Vivatic pay-out. So frustrating.

Mind you, am well on target for my £1-a-day challenge, so all is good.

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