Wednesday 21 March 2012

Disaster budget for UK will sink economy.

Today, George Osbourne unleashed the most disastrous budget in 30 years as he failed to grasp basic economic principles.
His headline increase in the lower tax limit claims to make the average British lower Tax payer upt o £220 a year better-off. However, in order to reap the rewards, a person would have to be a non-smoker, non-drinker without any motorized transport and not claiming Working Tax Credit. That will be about 17% of the affected population.
If you are a Working Tax Credit claimant, then whatever you gain in tax-free earnings, you will lose in a reduction of your WTC payments.

The Chancellor has announced that the planned 3p increase in fuel duty will still go ahead, but not until August. This just postpones the problem that this increase will cause.
Osbourne was quoted in the past as saying that a "1p reduction in fuel duty costs the UK economy £500m in Taxes". What he fails to understand is the massive effect on the economy that the 3p increase will have. The increase will force-up the pump-price and cause a drop in sales, this will in turn, lead to garages closing with the staff being laid-off and going-on to claim benefits. 
Add to this the drop in income from fuel Tax and the closure of UK haulage companies unable to compete with foreign drivers running their trucks with extra tanks filled-up cheaply on the continent and you are talking of a potential loss to the UK economy far in excess of £1.5Bn. This is something that George Osborne has failed to add in to his calculations.

The final straw is the freezing of Personal Tax Allowances for pensioners. They already get a pittance to live on now, so when this kicks-in, all the pensioners will be condemed to a life of poverty. Shame on you George Osbourne.

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